LBR Law College: Law College in Varanasi


We realise the immense responsibility of building a child's future.


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Mid School

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Class XI & XII

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For 61 years, Little Flower House is considered the beacon of academic excellence in the city.

We believe every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world and hence, we are committed to sensitizing our young learners to the needs of the community besides inculcating values like integrity, fortitude, dedication and respecting diversity.

It all starts here.

Action-based learning is elevated to the next stage using innovative teaching methods. Aptech Montana International Preschool is recognized by mainstream schools as an institution that ensures your child’s safety, well-being & development. The unique program is a new concept in learning and incorporates path-breaking brain research. There are range of activities that enable every child to maximize learning with fun.
 Every child is an artist.

Every child is an artist.

Children must be taught how to think and not what to think.

Children must be taught how to think and not what to think.

 Play is the highest form of research. So let's become a scientist.

Play is the highest form of research. So let's become a scientist.

School Chale Hum" rings to the core.

School Chale Hum" rings to the core.

 Curiousity has its own reason for existence.

Curiousity has its own reason for existence.

 Brains at work.

Brains at work.

Class I-X

The most important formative years.

Our school environment and curriculum for formative years are perfectly suited and designed to meet student needs. The teaching program adopts a variety of activities, learning methods and resources to develop a commitment to absorbing and enjoyment. We endeavor to build the strengths of the students, heighten their interests and slowly our little flowers are prepared for the next stage of their learning journey including intelligent decision-making.

When it's time to take the Leap into the future.

The ultimate dream of every parent is to see their child excel in school. This puts an immense pressure on most students.The school believes that we need to imbibe the children with good habits, attitudes and values that will last them a life time. The academic pressure increases in senior classes but our children cope well with the challenges. They are older, more mature, focused and are aware of what they want to achieve in life. They learn through discussion, brainstorming, inquiry, analysis, and evaluation. The focus of the school is to help children acquire important life skills; encourage them to make their own decisions and learn to stand by them.
 A child's traits are the actions of development.

A child's traits are the actions of development.

 The mind reaches places and the hands follow.

The mind reaches places and the hands follow.

 Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

 Perfect practice makes way for a child's perfect development.

Perfect practice makes way for a child's perfect development.

 All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind. - Martin H. Fischer

All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind. - Martin H. Fischer

 Learners are the Achievers of Tomorrow.

Learners are the Achievers of Tomorrow.


Practical is priceless.

We are here to support and nurture children with abundant opportunities to develop their creativity, learning curve, reasoning skills, and build scientific temperaments so that they become compassionate and confident human beings through ample opportunities of innovative minds and laboratory competence.

Streams of Studies. Possibilities.

All the subjects are compulsory for kids in Nursery to Class X. From Class XI, the learning areas shall include:

1.English compulsory for all stream
Note: A candidate has the freedom to opt in lieu of one of languages any of the following subjects provided he/she offers Hindi or English as the other language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Accountancy, Mathematics, Computer Science, Business Studies, Economics and Vocal Music.

2. Four electives out of the following:
Science Stream: Physics & Chemistry is compulsory. The student has to select any two of the following subjects Biology, Maths, Computer Science, Psychology, Hindi or Sanskrit, Physical Education and Music.

Commerce Stream: Business Studies, Economics & Accountancy is compulsory. The students has to select one of the following subject Mathematics, Computer Science, Physical Education, Psychology, Hindi, Sanskrit and Music.

All Commerce students will have to take Computer as an additional subject for one year. This course will give them a good orientation and if they so desire they can continue and appear for the Board Examination with the said subject, by discontinuing any other subject.

Humanity Stream: Business Studies, Psychology, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Hindi or Sanskrit and Physical Education, Fine Arts.

Financial Market Management (FMM): It is a New Vocational course collaboration with National Stock Exchange (NSE) Mumbai. The course will have the following three core subjects in class XI.1. Accounting for Business 2. Introduction to Financial Market 3. Computer Application in Financial Market.