LBR Law College: Law College in Varanasi

3 Years LLB Course

LLB course provides a strong foundation in law and legal principles, preparing students for a career in the legal field.

5 Years BA LLB Course

Embark on a comprehensive legal journey with our BA LLB course at LBR Law College, Varanasi.

Our Mission


The Lokbandhu Rajnarayana Society was founded by Mr. Subash Singh in the memory of his uncle late Mr. Rajnarayana with an objective of education, health, social development & national integration. This society being founded under the society Registration Act. 21 of 1860 (Registration no 1679), with registered office in Motikot, Gangapur, Varanasi, and area of work is all over India. This society is permitted to work anywhere in India. It acquired Income Tax Act 1961 Sec. 80 G and Sec. 12 A Registration in 2007.The society is also registered under FCRA in 2009.

The Lokbandhu Rajnarayana Law College, a unit of Lokbandhu Rajnarayana Society, was founded by Mr. Subash Singh on 27th September 2003. His dream is to provide food; house and education to everybody belonging to any class or religion. His firm belief that education is the area, where we could do our bit to improve the life of socially and economically backward people .


To provide, legal, and ethical values with a view to promote and foster the role of law and the objective enshrined in the constitution of India.

The college aims to train student with high degree of professional skills, with special sensitivity to ethical and moral concerns, comprehensive knowledge in tax and corporate laws, litigation, environmental laws, health care organization, laws and international laws.