LBR Law College: Law College in Varanasi

Definition,Classification & Salient features of our Constitution

I. Definition of the constitution: –  A constitution is a basic design, which deals with the structure and powers of government. It also includes the rights and duties of citizens. The  constitution may be written (like US or India) or unwritten like UK , New Zealand or Israel. Definition given by thinkers:- To sum up […]

Freedom of Speech and Expression (Semester II Unit I)

Introduction Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian constitution says that all citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, making it one of the most valuable fundamental rights conferred to Indian citizens. The right guarantees liberty to express one’s opinion, views and beliefs. One can exercise this right, and express using verbal speech, writing, […]

Contractual and Tortious liability of State SEM I UNIT IV

Introduction: Since state is not a living entity but a legal entity which cannot function without human agency. It is therefore, that the state has to act through its servants. The concept of tortious liability of the state refers to   situation when the state can be held vicariously liable for the wrongs committed by its […]

Doctrine of Basic Structure

Doctrine of Basic Structure Sem I Unit iv The Supreme Court recognized the basic structure concept for the first time in the historic Kesavanand Bharati case of 1973. Ever since the evolution of constitution, the SC has become the interpreter of constitution and the arbiter of all amendments made by parliament. In this case, the […]

Amendment of Constitution Sem I Unit IV

Procedure for Amending the Indian Constitution What is a Simple Majority? Simple majority means a majority of more than 50% of the members present and voting in the Parliament House. A number of provisions in the Constitution can be amended by a simple majority of the two House of Parliament outside the scope of Article 368. […]

Emergency Provisions

Emergency Provisions A state of emergency in India is designated period of rule that the President of India can declare in response to specific crisis scenarios like national security or failure of constitutional machinery within state or centre.  The President has the authority to suspend some provisions of the Constitution that ensure the protection of […]